Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Menstrual Cycle Affect Body Weight

Menstrual cycle in women tend to be closely related to the increase or decrease in body weight. Not only while menstruating, this also happening before and after menstruation.

According to SELF, Christine Gerbstadt, MD, a registered dietitian and spokeswoman for the ‘American Dietetic Association’, explains the changes in weight which is associated with the menstrual phase. Recognize the four-phase!

1. Menstruation
When the body begins to undergo a monthly cycle, you probably will feel cramping, bloating, fatigue, and uncertainty of mood. On the positive side, when the body is actively bleeding, then it will shed the entire uterine lining and prepare for fresh blood cycle.

Over time, appetite and desire to eat, and the bloating will disappear. In fact, you are at the lowest weight for a month right after the cycle stops. So enjoy!

2. Follicular phase
Follicular phase is the process of egg maturation. In this phase, the body will work hard to naturally choose the perfect egg. This is what causes the estrogen hormone to increase.

Unfortunately, the increase in the estrogen hormone is with the increase of body weight. Moreover, the uterine lining will thicken welcoming the embryos to be fertilized. Your body may rise slightly up to 1 kg.

3. Ovulation
Towards the ovulation phase, you will feel more energized, as well as your body. You will often feel bloated, breast began to tighten. It also will have an impact on weight gain. Some women in this phase are also experiencing excessive water demand as a response to the hormone.

4. Luteal phase
Luteal phase is referred as the time after ovulation. That is the time when ovulation occurs until the first day of menstruation.

In this phase, your will not feel bloating in a few days. But a few days later, you feel what is commonly referred to as pre-menstrual syndrome.

Not only feeling a surging appetite because your body is preparing for potential pregnancy, you will also feel eager to eat salty, sweet, and greasy foods. This can lead you to a weight gain of 1-1.5 kg.

But, keep in mind that every woman will experience different cycles. If you are taking hormonal contraceptives, weight gain may be even greater.

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Comparing the Efficacy of Black Tea and Green Tea

In some researches, the researchers claim that green tea has more benefits than the usual black tea available at home. Finally, many people who wants to have a healthy lifestyle, replaces the supplies of black tea at home with green tea which is more expensive.

However, recently other researchers say that a cup of black tea alone is good for your body. While green tea consumption is only a waste of money.

The study, conducted by a dietitian, Dr Carrie Ruxton, says that just like green tea, black tea are able to reduce the risk of cancer, stroke, diabetes, or tooth decay.

“This study has seen the similarity of the benefits of both types of tea. Both tea can improve vascular function that leads to a significantly reduced risk of stroke,” he said, according to the Daily Mail.

The research was published in the ‘Journal Network Health Dieticians’. In his writing, Ruxton concluded that black tea and green tea comes from the camellia sinesis plant and has similar compounds, and offers the same health benefits.

In 2011, the conclusions from 17 studies that have been made says that the risk of heart attacks in people who drank three cups of black tea every day is 11 percent lower than those who do not.

Dr Catherine Hood from the Tea Advisory Panel said, “Black tea is increasingly showing greater health benefits. Black tea is the new green tea for those who already know it.”

Thus, both green tea and black tea are equally beneficial to the body. Apart from research, the choice is in your hands.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

What is the best way to stop smoking concidering my smoking addition?

I grave ciggiretts all day long. I get up and need one, I even wake up in middle of the night to smoke. Sometimes I will smoke two packs in two hours. there will even be times when I am caughing my lungs out and I will still put a ciggirett in my mouth while I am caughing. what is the best treatment option.

Cigarettes are one of the number one contributors to Stroke and Heart attack. in addition it contributes directly to cancer, lung disease, emphysema, and increasing dangerous radicals in your body, not to mention creating a high toxicity of nicotine concentrated in your blood, and brain damage. Smoking constricts the arteries of the heart and brain and bronchio lung functions.

Walk through the stroke unit in your local hospital and see how incapacited stroke victims are, perhaps that will be a wake up call of what is waiting for you if you keep smoking.

The choice is yours, but I advise you stop now by any means necessary. Talk to your doctor.

Maybe join a support group. I think they even have websites like
Depending on your resources, some people I know have tried hypnosis, the patch, gym memberships.

There is no best way or worst way. any way is the best if you stop. Ultimately it's your commitment that makes a method work or fail, not method. want to quit? Just do It, end of discussion.

cold turkey, just grow a pair and do it


You really have to want to quit first. That's the first thing you need to work on. Make a list of every real reason you'd like to stop. Post it around the house.

I tried just about every product out there and so did my husband. when we finally quit it was cold turkey that did it. It is hard, expect it to be hard. Biggest thing you can do for yourself is learn the following. Change your playground and playmates. what does that mean? Don't continue going to the same places where people are smoking, don't continue hanging out with your smoker friends. if you do, you'll fail. It stinks giving up friendships for awhile, but worth while. Meet others who are not smokers and hang out with them.

You can try hypnosis and even accupuncture to help with the cravings. But in the end, it didn't work for me. I just had to get through them and deal. I used carrot sticks and rubber bands. I used the rubber band to give my hands something to do instead of fumbling with that cigarette.

Get rid of the cigarettes, every last one of them when you are ready to really quit. do this on a weekend where you can be home. Start to clean your house like crazy. Scrub the floors, the walls and even the ceiling. Change your light bulbs, clean the lights and fans really well. Wash the curtains, steam clean the carpets and furniture. Wash all your bedding and wash your clothing. Get the smell out of your house. Wash even the windows on the insideand the shower curtain. Give your entire house a good clean smell so you won't get any whiffs of cigarette smoke in your home to start a bigger craving. Next, clean out your car really well. Throw out all ashtrays, dont' even bother to clean them. Get them into the garbage and get your garbage outside! Rewash the dishes. this will give you two full days or more of non stop cleaning which will keep you busy enough and keep your mind focused to help you with the worst cravings. why sit around and listen to the craving? be too busy! Steam clean your car out the best you can! Air it out as well. clean the carpeting, clean the seats and scrub it down extra well!
Clean the computer extra well too. Get out that smell! Give yourself a great shower and wash extra well, go buy yourself a loofah and scrub your skin down really well and rub off as much of the toxin as you can.

Now, for the rubber band. Every time you get too big of a craving and the playing wiht the rubber band doesn't help, snap the band hard on your wrist. Make it hurt and continue to do so until the craving goes away. Make that craving a negative. Chew on carrots and suck on toothpicks.

You can do this, i know you can. You'll start to feel better in a month, your lungs will stop hacking so much! But it does take years to get your lungs healed from all the damage you are inflicting upon them.

good luck.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Eating Together Prevent Bulimia in Adolescents

Eating together with the family at the dinner table have many benefits. Besides providing good etiquette lessons, it also gives a positive impact on child health. 

One study found that adolescents who takes the time to eat together at the dinner table with their families can reduce the risk of eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia. The food served will also tend to be finished. In addition, parents also will slowly reduce smoking.

“Children who are entering adulthood will likely feel uncomfortable being close to their parents. When it comes to eating together, they will occupy themselves on their food,” said researcher Barbara Fiese, according to the Daily Mail.

Child health will be maintained, if parents can bring their children to eat together at the table three times a week. This was stated after a team of researchers reviewed 17 studies of diet and nutrition that involved 200 thousand children and adolescents.

Written in the ‘Journal of Pediatrics’, Barbara Fiese found that the risk of eating disorders will be reduced as much as 35 percent in adolescents who eat at least five times a week with their parents.

Eating disorders include regurgitate food that had been eaten or bulimia, diet pills or laxatives consumption, skipping meals, eating less, and smoking to lose weight.

Even three meals with the family helps reduce the risk of adolescent becoming overweight by 12 percent than those who rarely eat together. They also tend to consume 24 percent more intake of nutritious and have good eating habits than those who do not.

A professor from the University of Illinois said that families who eat together are more connected in communication including the communication of poor and dangerous diet.

“Children and adolescents who have eating disorders will be easily detected by parents so that they will take steps to make their children healthy again, ” she said.

Eating together is also a great time for families to exchange ideas as long as parents do not force or control the flow of conversation. This can cause a good interaction between family members.

Previously, American researchers found that children who do not follow the meal time with their family are more likely to become naughty.